Tuesday, April 2, 2019

E-commerce Technology Trends That Will Take Center Stage In 2019

We are in 2019 and it’s easier to set up a business now than ever before. This is thanks to the growth of e-commerce accentuated by an increasing internet penetration around the globe. According to statistics, total worldwide e-commerce sales will reach a whopping amount of $3.3 trillion this year. With umpteen number of opportunities, e-commerce is all set to make the most of this year although the industry is counting on technology for its growth. Here’s a list of trending technologies that will take centre stage in 2019.

Omnichannel – The Seamless User Experience
An Omnichannel experience is created by implementing a multi-channel approach to serving customers, selling and marketing in a way to have a unified and connected user experience across platforms no matter where or how a customer reaches out to the company. Most major brands are working on creating an Omnichannel experience for their customers. Unifying the brand image and ensuring your consumer receives a uniform experience will result in better sales for any e-commerce organization.

Social Commerce – The Meeting Point
Social commerce is the imminent meeting point of social media and e-commerce. The latest social media trends suggest they have an impact on the customer’s decision-making process. This is something which can be used in order to improve customer experience on the whole. With the introduction of shoppable posts and stories, buy buttons and native marketplaces on the leading social media platforms, social commerce will be the best option for brands to convert their social media engagement into direct business.
IoT – The Internet of Things
The maximum growth in the retail sector is seen in the digital space. In 2019, we can predict that physical devices will be taking centre stage – be it through the implementation of smart buttons, or voice enables devices. IoT will lead technological advancements, by smoothening out services like inventory and supply chain management.
Blockchain – Designed for Ecommerce
Blockchains are the natural fit for the industry, considering they were designed to store transactional data. Blockchains can be an alternative payment method for faster and more secure transactions or it can also improvise order fulfilment and shipment tracking. Industry leaders around the world are already working and experimenting with blockchain as a platform for future trade.
Artificial Intelligence – The Learning Machine
In present-day technologies, Artificial Intelligence has proven to be the trendiest of all. Artificial Intelligence is helping e-commerce companies with recommendation engines, chatbots, virtual assistants and warehouse automation. AI-driven tech is also able to understand consumer behaviour and buying patterns. Being able to predict trends accurately will ensure that consumers needs are better met. Artificial Intelligence will provide a more personalized customer experience in the coming year.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – Delivered by Drone
The future of drones being commercially used for deliveries has already begun. As a matter of fact, Amazon made its first air delivery in December 2016 and other players in the game are expected to follow. Drones can be an alternative to local delivery as they are cost-efficient and faster in comparison to the traditional delivery model. In the near future, seeing delivery drones will be as regular as seeing delivery trucks.
Looking forward to 2019, we can see that technology and the way in which it is implemented in the daily functions in the e-commerce industry will be further explored. Of course there will be more development in this field, however, e-commerce organizations which have not yet implemented these trends need to be up to date with regard to them and explore how these can help in bettering customer engagement and experience.


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