Sunday, March 31, 2019

Is Robotic Kitchen Future of Restaurant

Who would have ever thought that the growing dependence on technology andthe technological innovations would make its way into the kitchens? Yes you heard it right, robotic kitchen and chefs are new innovation by the UK based Moley, has built a robotic kitchen that learns recipes, cooks, and cleans up the mess. Not only this, with such mind blowing innovation we might see the job of chefs coming at danger wherein robots are fulfilling the needs of the customers easily at some of the top restaurants globally.
Spyce, a restaurant based in Boston, replaced human cooks with robot chefs to extend their customers’ taste buds. Similarly, Japanese restaurant Nagoya is planning to use robots to attract customers while driving labour efficiency. And, it is no far when we can see Indian restaurants adapting to such changes as these robots not only cook great food but also impress and lure customers with their services.

Recently, Indian F&B company Travel Food Services (TFS), has unveiled the latest in technology Mitri, the Robot, to make the experience of travelers interactive and fun.
Mitri will be engaging with customers at TFSs DilliStreat outlet at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi.

“We are always on the lookout for latest innovative technologies that can enhance the experience and satisfaction of our customers. We are extremely excited to present Mitri at our DilliStreat outlet at the Delhi Airport, shared Gaurav Dewan, COO and Business Head, Travel Food Services.
Can Rebots Replace Chefs?
We are not far away from seeing robots spearheading kitchen game. And, we can say that we are very close to seeing robotic kitchens at restaurants and hotels by replacing the chefs and cooks. We have already seen that at some restaurants globally the robots are already doing the cooking. It might happen With automation and convenience taking up the restaurant space, the restaurants are looking at providing best services to its customers’, stay relevant in today’s fast-paced world, and to build an impeccable image in the fast evolving food scenario where restaurant owners are embracing robotic kitchens. Tech-innovations are creating roadblock for old restaurants by saving more on labour cost and coming up with cost intensive features and technologies. Digital POS (point of sale) systems, online food ordering applications, AR-based software providing customers with a video of the food preparation process and so on are common examples of how food is getting influenced by the digital disruption. However, robotic kitchen is still a jaw dropping innovation globally.
“Robots will be part of our cooking but the chef’s indulgence has to be there. The final cooking and food can be tasted only by humans. Yes, they will help us, support us, but the role of chefs will still be alive,” shared Robin Batra, Executive Chef, Oberoi Hotels & Resorts.
Hence, we can say that though robots can provide efficiency at the work front, kitchen would always remain a domain of the chef.


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