Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Some necessary steps to be Empowered as Women in Business

As per statistics, 111 million women worldwide have been running established businesses. But still, in a world that has been belittling and undermining the calibre of women since time immemorial, embarking on an entrepreneurial adventure is a tough choice to make. With the journey being full of obstacles to face and overcome, here are the golden rules to help you rock as an entrepreneur.
  1. Push Hard & Earn Recognition - Indian workspace has been a challenging place for all working women and has made it necessary for them to push harder than the men to achieve the same results and recognition. You need to push yourself to get out of your comfort zone and earn the recognition that you and your efforts deserve. Running a successful business requires you to have a desire to grow and learn new things. Keep complacency at bay. Instead, strive to test your limits and push your boundaries and see how far you can go.
  2. Work-life Balance - With women being firm practitioners of multitasking, it is important that they strike the right balance. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to have your priorities sorted on both professional and personal front. Learn the art of delegation. Do what you have to do, but also delegate work to others so as to keep the flow smooth. Another step towards a balanced work-life is limiting distractions. One should focus on being productive and keep time-wasting gadgets aside. While at home, instead of being glued to the television, you should spend time with your loved ones. Set a specific slot of time to use the phone so that you make the best of the time that you have to yourself.
  3. Healthy Support System - A healthy support system can be the most crucial element for a woman to succeed, where the spouse plays an important role. Ensure that your partner is the go-to person in your times of need. Also, try to divide household chores and whenever possible finish those tasks together in order to get the work done in double quick time. With the world being a victim of gender inequality, bring about a change and move forward by nurturing a success-aimed personal relationship based on equality and support.
  4. Be Passionate & Fearless – Starting a new venture is a risky affair, but to be successful in it, you need to be courageous. Whatever business you get into, make sure that you are passionate about it. One is more likely to achieve success if she is investing her time and resources into something that she feels passionate about. While you may not love every part of your job, but the bigger picture of the potential success should keep you going. Take risks, go beyond what you can think of and venture into unknown territories. Do not shy away from trying something new and always be fearless in your pursuit.
  5. Believe in Yourself - Always believe in yourself! A successful entrepreneur is one who listens to the voice within and has complete trust in her skills and calibre. Being an entrepreneur requires you to rely on your experience and wisdom, which turns you into a confident leader. In most cases, entrepreneurs start their business once they have gained enough experience while working under someone else. So, the best way down the road would be to gain adequate experience and then embark on your entrepreneurial journey.   
    Entrepreneurship can be a tough road to travel, especially for women, with all the misogyny that exists around us. But by following the above-mentioned rules, you can turn the odds in your favour and become a better entrepreneur.


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